Sunday, July 19, 2009

Liberals Vitriol

Why the Nasty Slurs by Liberals

When debate ensues between Conservatives and Liberals, I have noticed that generally speaking Liberals hurl slurs faster and with more venom than the typical Conservative. While there are always extremes with nastiness flowing from both sides, I , personally have found that the bloviating Liberals repeatedly dodge the facts, and try to bury you with their vitriol. I have no objection, in fact I welcome, rational and factual discourse with those of opposing views. Unfortunately on Twitter as well as with my Liberal friends, I have found that accurate and veritable dialogue is quickly entombed with party-line slogans, inane declarations and more than enough finger pointing (i.e. Bush administration), that in an effort to state facts, I first have to shovel this diatribe before trying to discuss facts.

Liberals have their points. I would like to hear them. I would love to discuss these facts, and points of view, yet I can't seem to get past the acrimony to deal with the issues. I know that obfiscation is a great tool, especially if you want to point out that the Emperor is not really wearing any clothes, but how can you possibly dissect the tailor when you haven't even admitted that the Emperor is naked?

Where are the facts? Liberals for ever Global Warming...oops, I think it is now called Climate Change, since Global warming was too descriptive, and could readily be refuted. Just as in a courtroom, each side can present evidence to disprove the other sides contentions. So instead of paying for 'experts', lets really dig into the issue to get some factual information before creating an entire industry surrounding a potential myth?

I suppose one could say (Liberal that is) that this Green Industry is part and parcel of a stimulus to create jobs....but then who would get the credit for it? Certainly not our sitting President. Yet more than creating perfidious positions, this mythomania has allowed government to grow and now is insidiously encroaching upon our homes. (Capandtrade).

I digress, because what I really wanted to speak on is the hate, enmity and viciousness with which some Liberals attack factual information, as well as people with opposing views. I am not as baffled, but rather saddened that some on the left do not even wish an honest discourse, and would rather hurl attacking verbiage at Conservatives. Just look at what the State Run Media has done to Sarah Palin.

I just want to reiterate that Conservatives, do not give up, never give in to this type of verbal assault. Do not counter it with spitefulness, or malevolence, rather keep to the facts, keep to the truth. Stand tall and stand proud for your views and your Country.

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