Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yes we can-NO YOU DIDN'T

When will the majority of Americans wake up to the call? At what point does the average American realize that this Administration is hell-bent on driving our economy into the arms of Socialism? When does the "we can" become "we didn't"?

Lets look at some of the issues brought forth by our President in his first months of office.
TARP fund continuation that left many banking/Insurance (AIG) without any oversight into their spending. Enormous Stimulus package that did not increase jobs, that has not trickled down, unemployment a full 1.5% higher than the Biden/Obama predicition, that has increased the National Deficit to over $1.1 Trillion, and has given money to singularly useless projects.

CBS Reports on Stimulus money to Small, little used Airports. Why did CBS jump off the Obama bandwagon? Of course there are opposing views on the use of this money, like

Obama's stimulus aimed at smaller airports: CBS misses the point, however even this article seemed inane considering that they stated the intent on the Stimulus package was to stimulate local economies. I find it vacuous that stimulating the population of Ouizinkie, population 165, was stimulated to the tune of $15 billion.

Jumping back to the TARP funding, lets examine the recent bill that Rep. Barney Frank wants to do with the repayment funds of those former TARP recipients. Calling it the "TARP for Main Street Act of 2009". Not only are these companies repaying money from the Government (please read that as you and me) but now Mr. Frank wants to use that money (which was borrowed from you and me) to subsidize other interests.

When will we wake up? I haven't even touched on the cost of Health Care reform, nor the Cap and Trade issues that will put the US Deficit deeper in the black hole. That will be the next blog.

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