Thursday, November 5, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Links for Supporting Families of Military

The following is just a wee bit of a list (to be added to) of Official and Unofficial links to help Military families. If you find something useful, please pass it on via Twitter. If you have some links you would like added, just leave a comment.

As always God Bless our Troops and their Families!


Support Our Troops When a T-Shirt or Bumper Sticker is not enough. This website has numerous links to help support our Troops and their families.

Operation Home Front Supporting our troops and the families they leave behind

Any Soldier Want to send your support to a Soldier in harm's way,
but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it?

National Military Family Association - Speak up on behalf of military families and empower husbands, wives, and children to understand and access their benefits.

Fisher House Home away from home for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers.

Blue Star Mothers of America - The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate, nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization.

Gold Star Mothers an organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of our country.

Support Our Troops Sources to help support and honor U.S. Military servicemembers and veterans.

Send a Card to a Soldier - A free website, hosted by Xerox, that allows you to pick a postcard, drawn by children. Either click on a pre-selected message, or create your own.

Give to The Troops You can give back to those that are giving the most precious gift to you, their lives. Great site

Support for Military Families - Find support resources for Families of those serving in the Military

Support Our Troops and Military Comment Graphic 1

As I said before, this is not an exhaustive list, but a mere start. If you have any questions, additions, or comments, pleases leave me a message.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ear Marker Murtha

Funny as it is, it is also the truth. Obama promised that there would be a stop to the Pork, yet he is doing nothing to stop it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fox News Supported by other Media

What did the White House think they had to gain by using Chicago-Style politics on Fox News? That the station would bow to them? That Rupert Murdoch would say, "Oh Yes President Obama, I will chastise my people and shut down Fox"? The only thing that the White House succeeded in accomplishing was forcing a unification between the Main Stream Media and the Conservative Media. Something that could not have been achieved without the White House Interference.

This Attack on the 1st Amendment should be vehemently decried, and every believer in the Freedom of Speech should raise a shout concerning this horrific step taken by Obamas White House.

Monday, October 19, 2009

CNBC, Reuters fall for climate hoax

Gotta love those "REAL" news people. US Chamber of Commerce falls victim to 'fraud' over climate hoax. Environmental activists held spoof press conference announcing U-turn in the organisation's stance on climate legislation

Bill Maher Meltdown

This man is so out of touch with reality, that he continues on with his diatribe while his guests (two of three blithering liberals) look on in dismay. Maher continues to try to defend himself, Oh yeah Bill how does it feel when the liberal newspapers aren't kissing your pompous ass. I absolutely love that this idiot shows, exactly, what type of fool he is on his own show. Even liberal, poster-child Chris Matthews questions Maher antics. Another Sad Day for liberals.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tools Every Conservative Needs

Imitation-The sincerest Form of Flattery

Today I was privileged to be given a link to a fantastic blog. I am going to take some of her Links and you're always welcomed to visit her at Soldier for Liberty.
Her Twitter moniker is @DesireePaquette and I am sure she would love to hear from fellow conservatives.

The Best Link I found from her website was titled, aptly Tools for Citizens-Be A Watchdog or Just Smarter . I am going to call it a Weapons for a Conservative Crusade.

Celebrating over 10 years of making statistics from more than 100 agencies available to citizens everywhere. This has topic links, key word search and the database includes all states.

Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.

Office of Management and Budget Watch
Promoting open government, accountability and citizen participation

This database is the first comprehensive collection for commercial and political position papers,

You can check on when nominations are scheduled, how the vote went.

I am unsure as to the latest update on this page, however, there is ample information to follow up with this Administrations Czars

Find out who is giving money to whom: Muckety

Great Resource to follow up on the Liberal Left in Politics

Many Sources on George Soros:

I will continue to add links here, for a one stop shopping experience for Conservatives. Know your enemy, know how they think, what they do, and certainly what they Fund!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Day America Stopped

We remember When America Stopped.
An humble ode to Victims, those who died, and those
still bearing the pain of 9/11

Images burned into our vision
Sadness etched into our heart
Some of us turned to religion
Some didn't know where to start.

As Searing flames of hate cause pain
Eyes are unable to endure un-wept
This day with death will ere remain
From no memory shall it be swept.

These innocents, I knew them not,
Nor heros that tried, in vain to save
In something wicked they were caught;
The death of something good and brave.

Every 9/11 I close my eyes
Filled with tears. My soul does reveal
"Never forget" it sadly cries
"Never Forget" a somber peal.

Amid that ghastly stench and smoke
Waiting Heros unbidden rose
Embracing some in kindness' cloak.
Time stood still: Eternity Froze.

Heroes and victims died the same
A death warrant signed from the air
Horror Stark: No mind can sustain
Life's fabric these killers did tear.

Though time does pass; there is still pain
What "could have been", shall never be.
Numbing loss will ever remain;
Missing those we'll ne'er again see.

America stopped on that Day
Badly damaged: We shall not Quit
Heroes, victims to them we say:
We Shall Remember: Never Forget.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obamas Speech to Our Children

Picture this: 2006 and President George Bush wants to telecast a speech to all the public school classrooms. From sweet little kindergardeners to High School Seniors. Nothing political, mind you, just a "stay in school, learn and grow up to be president" type of speech. Pause: What do you think the Liberals and Main Stream Media would have shouted from the tops of their leftist lungs? Do you think Americans would be glad to have this Presidents voice in all public classrooms? Do you think opponents would be 'making too much' of this broadcast? Well if you think that the majority of folks would have welcomed this with open arms, you are sadly mistaken. The Liberal Press would be close to a flash point. Protestors would be coming out of the woodwork.

Why would there be such a flap about the President speaking to the youth of America? What possible reason would there be for American Parents calling their schools Principals, demanding that their child not have to listen to Our President? The answer is simple, President Obama is not trusted by many Americans, just as President G.W. Bush lost his credibility. No one wants someone that has been deceitful, caught lying, is dishonest and basically whose values are not ones you want your children to hear.

Barack Obama has lost his credibility with Americans. His rush with the Stimulus Bill, his socializing of health care, and his blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution when appointing his Czars has caused Americans to finally say NO MORE. We don't even care what his message is, it is in fact, the messenger that creates the problem. Would you take your children to a speech given by Anthony Van Jones? Yet you would allow President Obama to talk to your children? Obama gave Van Jones the Czar position. So you see it isn't the message, we just don't want our children listening to a leftist, because we choose to teach our children our values, and frankly Mr. President, your values disgust me.

Speaking of Czars, did you know that the House of Representatives has a Bill pending in committee concerning Czars? H.R. 3226: Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009 . The Bill addresses these special appointments as CZARS.

So you see Mr. President, we don't trust you. We certainly don't trust you to speak to our children.

Friday, August 14, 2009


We all know that a House Resolution; while attributed to a specific sponsor of a Resolution is not always written by them. So the question begs: Who wrote HR 3200? To see what I am getting at lets look at some issues.

It is ironic how some names and origins, hidden well, seem to bubble just below the surface. Van Jones, James Rucker, former director of , The Apollo Alliance and ColorofChange. I believe that these names have been hidden for a reason. The reason is that these are nothing more than radical leftist groups that are pulling strings in Washington D.C. Who knows, with the potential for government hand outs in HR 3200 to Community Organizations, it is possible that some or all of these people/groups had a hand in drafting this resolution.

It seems now, that these leftist groups, especially Rucker and his henchmen are targeting the right with a full scale attack on the pocketbook of Fox News. Color of change has pushed to have Glenn Becks advertisers pull their ads from his show. So it seems that again, since there is nothing factual to refute Mr. Beck's opinions that these leftist libards can argue with, they use scare/threat tactics to deprive a voice to be heard. This smacks to me of Chavezesque tactics to quell all media that doesn't see it the "Obama way".

Now I don't believe in serendipity or coincidence, and the names of Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis, Rashid Kahlidi and Jeremiah Wright prevail with this President. These men have played a role in Barak Obama's life, no matter how long or hard he denies it, these men influenced Obama.

An effort to quiet the voices that disagree with this socialist agenda is well underway. From the oozing of distaste for dissenters by the ilk of Pelosi, Hoyer, Reid and Dingell, to the quietly strategic dismantling by Van Jones, James Rucker and their communistic/socialistic partners in Color of Change (CoC). These people want ALL news and political commentary to to be ONLY that which supports the Obama Administration. There is to be no dissent, no differing opinions, and certainly no criticism. Chavez is and has for the most part, accomplished this in Venezuela. Also as evidenced by Ahmadinejad during the elections, no foreign reporting, and Kim Jong il in North Korea, Communist China, and Russia.

We, as Americans can NOT let this happen. Glenn Beck is only the start, Americans should not, and can not allow this to flourish unchecked. Please, even if you do not agree with Glenn Beck, do not let this voice be stilled. The 1st amendment guarantees it. WE should guarantee it. Please sign the petition to Support Glenn Beck and his values and Principles here. Your very own freedoms are at stake. Do not let them quiet Glenn Beck's Voice!

Here is the original HOMEPAGE of More info on Van Jones .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Barocky Road Ice Cream


In honor of the 44th President of the United States , Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor: " Barocky Road ."

Barocky Road is a blend of half vanilla, half chocolate, and surrounded by nuts and flakes. The vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The nuts and flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.

The cost is $100.00 per scoop.

When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the ice cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you.

You are left with an empty wallet and no change, holding an empty cone with no hope of getting any ice cream.

Are you stimulated?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Senior Health Care

The Perfect Solution to Senior Health Care
(Tongue in cheek)
While discussing the upcoming Universal Health Care Program with my sister-in-law the other day, I think we have found the solution. I am sure you have heard the ideas that if you’re a senior you need to suck it up and give up the idea that you need any health care. A new hip? Unheard of. We simply can't afford to take care of you anymore. You don't need any medications for your high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, etc. Let’s take care of the young people. After all, they will be ruling the world very soon.
So here is the solution. When you turn 70, you get a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 2 senators and 2 representatives. Of course, you will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head and all the health care you need! New teeth, great! Need glasses, no problem. New hip, knee, kidney, lung, heart? Well bring it on. And who will be paying for all of this? The same government that just told you that you are too old for health care. And, since you are a prisoner, you don't have to pay any income tax.
I really think we have found a Perfect Solution!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Attack of the Liberals

While on twitter today, I had my first, and most assuredly not my last, personal attack by a Liberal advocating NObama's healthcare reform. I was called, illiterate, a liar, an idiot and a moron. I was also called DUDE, and since I am not a dude, nor illiterate, liar, idiot or moron, I really did not take any offense.

What struck me as annoying, was that during the diatribe, no useful facts were presented. How can there be discourse when no facts are presented, rather percentages pulled out of thin air, slogans and rhetoric? How can we move to compromise, understanding or even honest debate when there is nothing but scurrilous comments?

The Liberal that I replied to on Twitter, ignored facts concerning the Health Care legislation, specifically HB 3200. I asked about abortion being funded by the government plan, his response was, it doesn't say that in the bill. Since when did something "not" in legislation mean that it couldn't be done? Democrats are also up in arms about the language of the bill which does NOT say that abortion will be EXCLUDED.

I talked about the potential for Tort Reform. His response (by the way I found out later he is a lawyer) was that whenever TCOT people talk about Health care they always shout TORT REFORM. Well I have never used that until today. He stated that only 0.3% of Health Care costs are attributed to what Tort Reform would eliminate. Where he got this figure? Don't know and personally don't care. What are our physicians paying in Malpractice Insurance? What chunk of their earnings is used to protect them from Ambulance chasing attorneys?

He also tossed in the AMA supporting the Health Care bill. Well I asked him, 1. Did you know that only about 20% of physicians belong to AMA? 2. The AMA as late as May rejected a government plan of Healthcare, so why the change? His answer was merely to tell me I didn't read the Bill (HB 3200).

WHY? WHY? WHY? Why won't liberals attack with facts, data and research? Give me verifiable information.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Liberals Vitriol

Why the Nasty Slurs by Liberals

When debate ensues between Conservatives and Liberals, I have noticed that generally speaking Liberals hurl slurs faster and with more venom than the typical Conservative. While there are always extremes with nastiness flowing from both sides, I , personally have found that the bloviating Liberals repeatedly dodge the facts, and try to bury you with their vitriol. I have no objection, in fact I welcome, rational and factual discourse with those of opposing views. Unfortunately on Twitter as well as with my Liberal friends, I have found that accurate and veritable dialogue is quickly entombed with party-line slogans, inane declarations and more than enough finger pointing (i.e. Bush administration), that in an effort to state facts, I first have to shovel this diatribe before trying to discuss facts.

Liberals have their points. I would like to hear them. I would love to discuss these facts, and points of view, yet I can't seem to get past the acrimony to deal with the issues. I know that obfiscation is a great tool, especially if you want to point out that the Emperor is not really wearing any clothes, but how can you possibly dissect the tailor when you haven't even admitted that the Emperor is naked?

Where are the facts? Liberals for ever Global Warming...oops, I think it is now called Climate Change, since Global warming was too descriptive, and could readily be refuted. Just as in a courtroom, each side can present evidence to disprove the other sides contentions. So instead of paying for 'experts', lets really dig into the issue to get some factual information before creating an entire industry surrounding a potential myth?

I suppose one could say (Liberal that is) that this Green Industry is part and parcel of a stimulus to create jobs....but then who would get the credit for it? Certainly not our sitting President. Yet more than creating perfidious positions, this mythomania has allowed government to grow and now is insidiously encroaching upon our homes. (Capandtrade).

I digress, because what I really wanted to speak on is the hate, enmity and viciousness with which some Liberals attack factual information, as well as people with opposing views. I am not as baffled, but rather saddened that some on the left do not even wish an honest discourse, and would rather hurl attacking verbiage at Conservatives. Just look at what the State Run Media has done to Sarah Palin.

I just want to reiterate that Conservatives, do not give up, never give in to this type of verbal assault. Do not counter it with spitefulness, or malevolence, rather keep to the facts, keep to the truth. Stand tall and stand proud for your views and your Country.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yes we can-NO YOU DIDN'T

When will the majority of Americans wake up to the call? At what point does the average American realize that this Administration is hell-bent on driving our economy into the arms of Socialism? When does the "we can" become "we didn't"?

Lets look at some of the issues brought forth by our President in his first months of office.
TARP fund continuation that left many banking/Insurance (AIG) without any oversight into their spending. Enormous Stimulus package that did not increase jobs, that has not trickled down, unemployment a full 1.5% higher than the Biden/Obama predicition, that has increased the National Deficit to over $1.1 Trillion, and has given money to singularly useless projects.

CBS Reports on Stimulus money to Small, little used Airports. Why did CBS jump off the Obama bandwagon? Of course there are opposing views on the use of this money, like

Obama's stimulus aimed at smaller airports: CBS misses the point, however even this article seemed inane considering that they stated the intent on the Stimulus package was to stimulate local economies. I find it vacuous that stimulating the population of Ouizinkie, population 165, was stimulated to the tune of $15 billion.

Jumping back to the TARP funding, lets examine the recent bill that Rep. Barney Frank wants to do with the repayment funds of those former TARP recipients. Calling it the "TARP for Main Street Act of 2009". Not only are these companies repaying money from the Government (please read that as you and me) but now Mr. Frank wants to use that money (which was borrowed from you and me) to subsidize other interests.

When will we wake up? I haven't even touched on the cost of Health Care reform, nor the Cap and Trade issues that will put the US Deficit deeper in the black hole. That will be the next blog.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin Resignation

Sarah Palin Under Attack

Is there nothing this woman can do without being criticized? Skirt too short, too cute, too down home, intellectually shallow, doesn't follow through, a quitter. EGADS, I am surprised, after all the vitriol that the State Run Media has thrown at her, that she still is sane.

Every Left-Wing blogger who thinks they can spell, has taken aim at Governor Palin. Oh, and what do they cite? Vanity Fair? Well yes, of course, that is where I get all my hard core political information. Along with Fashion, Entertainment and other contrite run-of-the-mill tabloidesque chatter.

When, please tell me, WHEN did this woman have a fair chance with the State Run Media? She has been snipped at, unflatteringly imitated (ala Tina Fey), her children have been lambasted by David Letterman, and where has the media been for her? No Where. Rather they see her as a political threat. Oh, yes, I forgot, how much of a threat can she be without any pertinent experience? And WAIT she is a quitter...she left i.e.'quit' her post as Governor of Alaska.

What about NOBama? Is the media's memory so short and lacking that they don't recall a mere 8 months ago when NoBama quit his Senate post, oh but yes, He was elected Prez. Well, I forgot how many meetings, votes committee's he missed. And of course the Bloggers were there to support him...."The Actual OBama Senate Resignation" Print it out and Keep it.
(Interesting points in some of the comments on this Blog).

Yet lets go back to the original question. Why did the media so vehemently attack Sarah Palin? And a better question is: Why do they KEEP attacking her?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Twitter me

Give me a tweet. Enjoy logical and factual information from any and all conservatives as well as any Liberal that doesn't mind discussing with facts.

Honestly Me

What I think and feel will be posted here, but be warned my passion is for this Country and the disaster into which we are spiraling. The Future is calling and it is getting a busy signal. Let's hope with some change it will not find us disconnected.

Years ago, I used to be quite the Liberal. But as Winston Churchill so succinctly stated:

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

I have found that I have not sacrificed my heart for my brain. I have found that speaking out as a Liberal is no different than speaking my mind as a Conservative. Well there is one difference, I now am armed with facts and passion, not just passion as in my youth.

We must always question WHY of our government. Not simply because we want answers to the confusion that is evident in all governing agencies, but because we MUST. A government unchallenged by the people is a tyranny. We must question, we must challenge and we certainly must hold our elected officials responsible for our will.

Since starting on Twitter, I have once again become inflamed with the need to educate those who, so gullibly, swallow whatever pablum the government doles out to them. I have no fear to have my loyalty to this Country challenged, for I am truly an American. I have no fear of being questioned about my views, for I am enlightened concerning them. I welcome the opportunity to be queried about my convictions, for in that inquiry, I might illuminate the mind of those who do not see in the dark.

I, as a few others that I know, will continue to keep my anonymity because I also have lost friends (perhaps that is a loose word to use) because of my conservative views. I have been censored by these "friends" on other social networking sites, so unfortunate as it is, in the Greatest Country of the World, to have to hide behind a pen name, so it shall be.