Attack of the Liberals
While on twitter today, I had my first, and most assuredly not my last, personal attack by a Liberal advocating NObama's healthcare reform. I was called, illiterate, a liar, an idiot and a moron. I was also called DUDE, and since I am not a dude, nor illiterate, liar, idiot or moron, I really did not take any offense.
What struck me as annoying, was that during the diatribe, no useful facts were presented. How can there be discourse when no facts are presented, rather percentages pulled out of thin air, slogans and rhetoric? How can we move to compromise, understanding or even honest debate when there is nothing but scurrilous comments?
The Liberal that I replied to on Twitter, ignored facts concerning the Health Care legislation, specifically HB 3200. I asked about abortion being funded by the government plan, his response was, it doesn't say that in the bill. Since when did something "not" in legislation mean that it couldn't be done? Democrats are also up in arms about the language of the bill which does NOT say that abortion will be EXCLUDED.
I talked about the potential for Tort Reform. His response (by the way I found out later he is a lawyer) was that whenever TCOT people talk about Health care they always shout TORT REFORM. Well I have never used that until today. He stated that only 0.3% of Health Care costs are attributed to what Tort Reform would eliminate. Where he got this figure? Don't know and personally don't care. What are our physicians paying in Malpractice Insurance? What chunk of their earnings is used to protect them from Ambulance chasing attorneys?
He also tossed in the AMA supporting the Health Care bill. Well I asked him, 1. Did you know that only about 20% of physicians belong to AMA? 2. The AMA as late as May rejected a government plan of Healthcare, so why the change? His answer was merely to tell me I didn't read the Bill (HB 3200).
WHY? WHY? WHY? Why won't liberals attack with facts, data and research? Give me verifiable information.
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