Why would there be such a flap about the President speaking to the youth of America? What possible reason would there be for American Parents calling their schools Principals, demanding that their child not have to listen to Our President? The answer is simple, President Obama is not trusted by many Americans, just as President G.W. Bush lost his credibility. No one wants someone that has been deceitful, caught lying, is dishonest and basically whose values are not ones you want your children to hear.
Barack Obama has lost his credibility with Americans. His rush with the Stimulus Bill, his socializing of health care, and his blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution when appointing his Czars has caused Americans to finally say NO MORE. We don't even care what his message is, it is in fact, the messenger that creates the problem. Would you take your children to a speech given by Anthony Van Jones? Yet you would allow President Obama to talk to your children? Obama gave Van Jones the Czar position. So you see it isn't the message, we just don't want our children listening to a leftist, because we choose to teach our children our values, and frankly Mr. President, your values disgust me.
Speaking of Czars, did you know that the House of Representatives has a Bill pending in committee concerning Czars? H.R. 3226: Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009 . The Bill addresses these special appointments as CZARS.
So you see Mr. President, we don't trust you. We certainly don't trust you to speak to our children.
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