Monday, September 21, 2009

Tools Every Conservative Needs

Imitation-The sincerest Form of Flattery

Today I was privileged to be given a link to a fantastic blog. I am going to take some of her Links and you're always welcomed to visit her at Soldier for Liberty.
Her Twitter moniker is @DesireePaquette and I am sure she would love to hear from fellow conservatives.

The Best Link I found from her website was titled, aptly Tools for Citizens-Be A Watchdog or Just Smarter . I am going to call it a Weapons for a Conservative Crusade.

Celebrating over 10 years of making statistics from more than 100 agencies available to citizens everywhere. This has topic links, key word search and the database includes all states.

Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.

Office of Management and Budget Watch
Promoting open government, accountability and citizen participation

This database is the first comprehensive collection for commercial and political position papers,

You can check on when nominations are scheduled, how the vote went.

I am unsure as to the latest update on this page, however, there is ample information to follow up with this Administrations Czars

Find out who is giving money to whom: Muckety

Great Resource to follow up on the Liberal Left in Politics

Many Sources on George Soros:

I will continue to add links here, for a one stop shopping experience for Conservatives. Know your enemy, know how they think, what they do, and certainly what they Fund!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Day America Stopped

We remember When America Stopped.
An humble ode to Victims, those who died, and those
still bearing the pain of 9/11

Images burned into our vision
Sadness etched into our heart
Some of us turned to religion
Some didn't know where to start.

As Searing flames of hate cause pain
Eyes are unable to endure un-wept
This day with death will ere remain
From no memory shall it be swept.

These innocents, I knew them not,
Nor heros that tried, in vain to save
In something wicked they were caught;
The death of something good and brave.

Every 9/11 I close my eyes
Filled with tears. My soul does reveal
"Never forget" it sadly cries
"Never Forget" a somber peal.

Amid that ghastly stench and smoke
Waiting Heros unbidden rose
Embracing some in kindness' cloak.
Time stood still: Eternity Froze.

Heroes and victims died the same
A death warrant signed from the air
Horror Stark: No mind can sustain
Life's fabric these killers did tear.

Though time does pass; there is still pain
What "could have been", shall never be.
Numbing loss will ever remain;
Missing those we'll ne'er again see.

America stopped on that Day
Badly damaged: We shall not Quit
Heroes, victims to them we say:
We Shall Remember: Never Forget.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obamas Speech to Our Children

Picture this: 2006 and President George Bush wants to telecast a speech to all the public school classrooms. From sweet little kindergardeners to High School Seniors. Nothing political, mind you, just a "stay in school, learn and grow up to be president" type of speech. Pause: What do you think the Liberals and Main Stream Media would have shouted from the tops of their leftist lungs? Do you think Americans would be glad to have this Presidents voice in all public classrooms? Do you think opponents would be 'making too much' of this broadcast? Well if you think that the majority of folks would have welcomed this with open arms, you are sadly mistaken. The Liberal Press would be close to a flash point. Protestors would be coming out of the woodwork.

Why would there be such a flap about the President speaking to the youth of America? What possible reason would there be for American Parents calling their schools Principals, demanding that their child not have to listen to Our President? The answer is simple, President Obama is not trusted by many Americans, just as President G.W. Bush lost his credibility. No one wants someone that has been deceitful, caught lying, is dishonest and basically whose values are not ones you want your children to hear.

Barack Obama has lost his credibility with Americans. His rush with the Stimulus Bill, his socializing of health care, and his blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution when appointing his Czars has caused Americans to finally say NO MORE. We don't even care what his message is, it is in fact, the messenger that creates the problem. Would you take your children to a speech given by Anthony Van Jones? Yet you would allow President Obama to talk to your children? Obama gave Van Jones the Czar position. So you see it isn't the message, we just don't want our children listening to a leftist, because we choose to teach our children our values, and frankly Mr. President, your values disgust me.

Speaking of Czars, did you know that the House of Representatives has a Bill pending in committee concerning Czars? H.R. 3226: Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009 . The Bill addresses these special appointments as CZARS.

So you see Mr. President, we don't trust you. We certainly don't trust you to speak to our children.