Friday, August 14, 2009


We all know that a House Resolution; while attributed to a specific sponsor of a Resolution is not always written by them. So the question begs: Who wrote HR 3200? To see what I am getting at lets look at some issues.

It is ironic how some names and origins, hidden well, seem to bubble just below the surface. Van Jones, James Rucker, former director of , The Apollo Alliance and ColorofChange. I believe that these names have been hidden for a reason. The reason is that these are nothing more than radical leftist groups that are pulling strings in Washington D.C. Who knows, with the potential for government hand outs in HR 3200 to Community Organizations, it is possible that some or all of these people/groups had a hand in drafting this resolution.

It seems now, that these leftist groups, especially Rucker and his henchmen are targeting the right with a full scale attack on the pocketbook of Fox News. Color of change has pushed to have Glenn Becks advertisers pull their ads from his show. So it seems that again, since there is nothing factual to refute Mr. Beck's opinions that these leftist libards can argue with, they use scare/threat tactics to deprive a voice to be heard. This smacks to me of Chavezesque tactics to quell all media that doesn't see it the "Obama way".

Now I don't believe in serendipity or coincidence, and the names of Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis, Rashid Kahlidi and Jeremiah Wright prevail with this President. These men have played a role in Barak Obama's life, no matter how long or hard he denies it, these men influenced Obama.

An effort to quiet the voices that disagree with this socialist agenda is well underway. From the oozing of distaste for dissenters by the ilk of Pelosi, Hoyer, Reid and Dingell, to the quietly strategic dismantling by Van Jones, James Rucker and their communistic/socialistic partners in Color of Change (CoC). These people want ALL news and political commentary to to be ONLY that which supports the Obama Administration. There is to be no dissent, no differing opinions, and certainly no criticism. Chavez is and has for the most part, accomplished this in Venezuela. Also as evidenced by Ahmadinejad during the elections, no foreign reporting, and Kim Jong il in North Korea, Communist China, and Russia.

We, as Americans can NOT let this happen. Glenn Beck is only the start, Americans should not, and can not allow this to flourish unchecked. Please, even if you do not agree with Glenn Beck, do not let this voice be stilled. The 1st amendment guarantees it. WE should guarantee it. Please sign the petition to Support Glenn Beck and his values and Principles here. Your very own freedoms are at stake. Do not let them quiet Glenn Beck's Voice!

Here is the original HOMEPAGE of More info on Van Jones .